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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What Is Mesothelioma? Causes of Mesothelioma,Symptoms of Mesothelioma

What Is Mesothelioma? Causes of Mesothelioma,Symptoms of Mesothelioma

The Mesothelioma centre -Malignant mesothelioma (Read free Mesobook)is a  rare and aggressive cancer that develops in the linings of the lungs, abdomen, heart or testes.


(Read free Mesobook)The only known cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Asbestos fibers can easily be ingested or inhaled, then becoming imbedded in organ linings. The fibers can cause irritation and mutation of the mesothelioma cells, leading to the development of mesothelioma cancer. Research continues to find potential risk factors that may make individuals more susceptible to developing mesothelioma, but asbestos is a proven link to 90% of all cases.

Mesothelioma(Read free Mesobook) is a rare, aggressive form of cancer that develops in the linings of the lungs, abdomen or heart. Exposure to asbestos is the only known cause of malignant mesothelioma. The average life expectancy of mesothelioma patients is 12 – 21 months after diagnosis. Symptoms can include chest pain, shortness of breath and general fatigue. 

Causes & Symptoms Mesothelioma

The main cause of Mesothelioma is asbestos though there many other risk factors symptoms may appear from 10 to 50 years and depend upon time and variety of Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma causes and risk factors :

Mesothelioma is a rare and deadly cancer caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers. When these tiny asbestos fibers lodge in the lining of the lungs, they can cause cellular changes that lead to the development of cancer. Any workplace or household exposure to asbestos leads to a greater risk of developing mesothelioma.

Asbestos is the only definitive cause of mesothelioma, accounting for at least 90% of mesothelioma cases. However, researchers have identified a variety of other risk factors that can increase the risk of developing mesothelioma, like a history of smoking. Better understanding the cause of mesothelioma can help prevent the disease, promote awareness and improve detection and treatments.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos

Mesothelioma develops in the mesothelium, a thin membrane encompassing the body’s internal organs and cavities. It often takes 10 to 50 years for symptoms to manifest, making it difficult to pinpoint the cause and challenging the possibility for early detection. In the majority of cases, the cause is exposure to asbestos.

Where Does Asbestos Exposure Occur

Asbestos exposure is most common in a workplace environment, though exposure can also happen through secondary exposure in homes, in schools, at construction sites and many other locations.

With occupational exposure, there have been many cases of secondhand exposure as well, such as family members coming into contact with clothing and materials that have collected microscopic asbestos fibers. Asbestos has also been found in common household items, such as talcum powder, potting soils and paint. It’s important to be aware of all asbestos products and understand when you might be at high risk for exposure.

How Asbestos Causes Cancer

In the most common scenario, asbestos fibers are inhaled and eventually become embedded in the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart, causing harmful inflammation that eventually leads to the formation of mesothelioma tumors. Peritoneal mesothelioma is associated with the abdomen, pleural mesothelioma with the lungs, and pericardial mesothelioma with the heart.

As generally understood by researchers, asbestos can cause DNA damage both directly and indirectly. Directly, asbestos interferes with the mitosis process in cell division, which can cause cellular damage and mutation. Indirectly, asbestos can cause mesothelial cells to release mutagenic reactive oxygen and nitrogen, which also causes mutation.

Other Potential Causes of Mesothelioma

Around 90% of all mesothelioma cases are tied to known asbestos exposure. However, there are other factors that patients claim could be a potential cause or influencing factor to their malignant mesothelioma cancer.

Zeolites and Mesothelioma

Asbestos-like materials are thought to be another cause of mesothelioma. Zeolites are absorbent minerals that contain silicone and aluminum. Erionite is a certain type of zeolite that has drawn a large amount of attention with its relation to cancer. The fibrous material is naturally occurring and often found in volcanic ash. Evidence has shown a connection with the development of cancer, especially in regions where populations are exposed to erionite in their natural environment, such as Turkey.

Radiation Exposure and Mesothelioma

Some malignant mesothelioma patients claim that they were never exposed to asbestos and instead believe that the cause of their cancer was radiation exposure. While radiation is a potential secondary factor for mesothelioma, there are limited reports in establishing this connection.

Simian Virus 40 and Mesothelioma

Some mesothelioma cases show a possible connection between mesothelioma and simian virus 40 (SV40). Studies have shown a strong correlation between those that have the virus and development of mesothelioma, though further investigation is needed.

High Aspect Ratio Nanoparticles and Mesothelioma

Commonly referenced as HARNs, high aspect ratio nanoparticles also have a suggested link with mesothelioma. HARNs are nanoparticles that have a length that is multiple times the width. Particles of this nature have been proven to be harmful to human health. Like other non-asbestos causes of mesothelioma, evidence is lacking and more research is needed.

Pre-Existing Factors in Malignant Mesothelioma

Aside from asbestos exposure and other potential causes and contributors to the development of mesothelioma, there are a variety of pre-existing factors that play a role in mesothelioma.

Age: Elderly and Mesothelioma

One common misconception of mesothelioma is that it occurs only in the elderly. 91% of those diagnosed are 55 years old, or older. However, it’s important to note the long latency period before mesothelioma symptoms emerge. Though many are diagnosed at an older age, younger adults are also being diagnosed. Studies are continuing to look at a potential link between young adults, their genetics and mesothelioma, which could change age-related statistics for the disease.

Gender: Men and Mesothelioma

Some cancers are gender-specific, such as ovarian cancer and breast cancer, affecting one gender more than the other. Mesothelioma is not gender-specific, but has been seen in higher rates in men. One potential reason for this correlation is that occupations that exposed workers to asbestos years ago were male-dominated. For example, with more men working in mining and oil refineries, more men are now developing symptoms of mesothelioma. However, in recent years, research has shown that mesothelioma rates among women are also on the rise as they are increasingly exposed on the job and through secondhand exposure.

Genetics: BAP1 and Mesothelioma

BAP1 is a tumor-suppressing gene, and if there is a mutation of the gene, tumors are more likely to develop. Individuals in families with a genetic mutation of the BAP1 gene may be more susceptible to developing mesothelioma as their tumor-suppressing capabilities are hindered.

Health: Illness and Mesothelioma

Poor health means an increased risk of developing any kind of disease, not just mesothelioma. When the body’s immune system and defenses are down, it makes it harder to fight off foreign substances. For those that have already been diagnosed with mesothelioma, poor health can also complicate treatment options and the body’s ability to respond.

Smoker vs. Non-Smoker: Smoking and Mesothelioma

Currently, there is no proof that smoking is directly linked to mesothelioma. However, many studies have shown that smokers are 50 – 90% more likely to develop asbestos-related lung cancer. Similarly, smokers exposed to asbestos are twice as likely to develop mesothelioma.

The relationship between smoking, lung disease and various forms of cancer – especially lung cancer – is well established. There is little evidence that smoking alone increases a person’s chance of developing mesothelioma, but it is possible that smoking can cause conditions in the lungs that make it easier for asbestos to become embedded and cause inflammation, leading to cancer. These include:

Weakening of lung tissue: Asbestos fibers can more easily become lodged in the linings of the lungs.

Decrease in overall health: Smoking can cause a host of other medical problems and can significantly reduce a patient’s mesothelioma treatment options and life expectancy.
Increased mucus production: Irritation of the air passages causes them to produce more mucus. This blocks the passage of air and affects the lungs’ ability to cleanse themselves.

Cigarette Filters and Asbestos

By themselves, cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals, at least several dozen of which are classified by the International Agency for Research of Cancer as carcinogens. To supposedly make cigarettes “healthier,” some brands have filters intended to remove some of these substances, but their effectiveness is much disputed.

In fact, filters have presented their own dangers. Studies have shown that at least one brand of cigarettes – Kent, manufactured by Lorillard Company – was composed of as much as 25% asbestos. These cigarettes were sold in the United States between 1952 and 1956, with up to a half-million
 packs being sold each day. While Kent is the only brand known to have contained asbestos, it is possible that other cigarette brands have also contained asbestos at various times.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Awareness

Asbestos is not yet completely banned. With a mission to protect the health of both humans and the environment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has put many rules and regulations in place in regard to asbestos, though much work still has to be done to identify asbestos products. Organizations such as the National Cancer Institute have also helped by spreading awareness of asbestos and related cancer risks.

If you suspect that you’ve been exposed to asbestos, it’s important to get help immediately. Seek professional care as soon as you recognize symptoms of the asbestos-related disease, as early detection is a key factor in life expectancy. In the event that you come into contact with asbestos, don’t disturb the substance; instead, contact a removal professional.

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma is a rare disease with symptoms that can mimic other more common conditions, leading to frequent misdiagnosis and delays in diagnosis. Early detection is the only way to improve the prognosis for mesothelioma patients, making it important to identify and address symptoms right away.

Though there are common symptoms of mesothelioma, they may vary based on mesothelioma type and staging. There is a long latency period for mesothelioma, meaning it can take 10 – 50 years for these symptoms to emerge.

Common Mesothelioma Symptoms

The best way to improve mesothelioma prognosis is early detection. If patients experience any common symptoms of malignant mesothelioma, they should seek medical evaluation right away. Patients diagnosed at early stages are typically able to undergo more treatment options, extending their life expectancy.

There are many factors that can challenge early detection of mesothelioma, including its rarity and long latency period. Symptoms may emerge any time from 10 to 50 years after asbestos exposure, the only known cause of the disease. Other factors that may impact the onset of symptoms include:

Duration of exposure: Individuals exposed to asbestos for longer periods of time may experience symptoms sooner than those with one-off exposures.
Amount of exposure: Individuals exposed to asbestos in large quantities may develop symptoms sooner than those exposed to low levels.
Type of asbestos: Crocidolite is considered to cause a higher risk of health concerns than other types of the mineral, potentially leading to earlier development of symptoms than with other types of asbestos.
Other factors: Stage of mesothelioma, cell type and metastasis (how the disease has spread) can also impact when and how symptoms manifest.

Resources for Mesothelioma Patients

Symptoms by Mesothelioma Type

Symptoms may vary greatly for patients based on mesothelioma type, since each type affects a different area of the body. The symptoms a patient is experiencing may help guide physicians during the diagnostic process and provide information on where to conduct imaging scans and biopsies.

Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common type, accounting for around 80 – 90% of all mesothelioma cases. Pleural mesothelioma affects the linings of the lungs, and symptoms often affect breathing and the thoracic cavity (chest). These symptoms are often associated with other, more common diseases, such as bronchitis/pneumonia, flu or lung cancer.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Peritoneal mesothelioma occurs in the peritoneum, which is the lining of the abdomen and makes up 10 – 20% of all cases. Symptoms can vary significantly for this type, as peritoneal tumors can affect many organs throughout the abdominal cavity. Symptoms such as loss of appetite, swelling and abdominal pain are often confused with more common conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease.

Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial mesothelioma makes up less than 1% of all mesothelioma patients and affects the pericardium, or lining of the heart. Due to its rarity and aggressive nature, pericardial mesothelioma is often not diagnosed until the late stages or posthumously during an autopsy.

Testicular Mesothelioma

Also accounting for less than 1% of all mesothelioma cases, testicular mesothelioma affects the tunica vaginalis testis, which is the membrane lining the testes. Because this type is so rare, there are limited case studies available to understand disease progression and typical stage at diagnosis.

What to Do If Mesothelioma Symptoms Arise

Patients should seek medical care immediately when symptoms are recognized to pursue evaluation and, if needed, treatment as soon as possible. If the cancer is detected early, aggressive treatments may be an option to improve prognosis. After symptoms emerge, physicians will conduct a physical exam and look at medical history. A history of asbestos exposure may also help guide doctors to a mesothelioma diagnosis and should be brought to their attention immediately.

Imaging scans are often the first step in the diagnostic process that will look for tumors or abnormalities in the body. Blood tests will also be performed to look for biomarkers that can suggest a mesothelioma diagnosis, reveal mesothelioma symptoms or reveal a history of asbestos exposure. Neither of these diagnostic tools can definitively diagnose mesothelioma, which is why a biopsy is required. Biopsy in the form of a fluid or tissue sample from the patient for analysis can then confirm cancer, determine cancer type and cell type while aiding in staging of the disease.

Treatment of Mesothelioma Symptoms

Once mesothelioma has been confirmed, patients will work with their mesothelioma specialists to determine a treatment plan that will control or remove as much of the cancer as possible, while also treating symptoms to improve quality of life. For example, pleurodesis and paracentesis are common procedures that can be used palliatively to drain fluid buildup, taking pressure off of the lungs and abdominal organs to improve breathing and reduce pain. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may also be used to reduce or remove tumors, alleviating associated symptoms.

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